Open Offer

Evaluate and Connect

A web evaluation portal with unconditional access for users

The Open Offer is for:

  • Candidates: engineers and designers who want to test their skills and make them known
  • Recruiters: EPC, recruitment agencies, service provider agencies
  • Question Writers: experts who write the questions for MCQ questionnaires
  • Moderators: the team who control and validate the questions for MCQ questionnaires

What's the purpose?

Evaluate the quality and skills of engineers and designers using digital engineering software (Example: MCQ regarding AVEVA PDMS Piping)

Create a community of experts using key digital engineering solutions

The goal is to facilitate the job market by connecting professionals

Submit questions...

Questions are written by freelance Writers invited by Moderators.

Freelance Writers have copyright on their own questions.

They receive miles for their selected questions and can turn them later into rewards.

Moderate questions...

Moderators form a team combining SETIAE and Publisher experts.

They meet regularly to analyse questions submitted by Writers.

Moderators also monitor the portal (functioning, candidates results etc.).

Create a MCQ questionnaire

Every day the portal system automatically generates a MCQ questionnaire.

The MCQ questionnaire is different every day.

Candidates self-evaluation

Self-evaluation is free for Candidates.

Paid options will be considered at some point.

Each candidate is able to take one MCQ questionnaire a day.

They will receive their score the following day.

Connect Candidates and Recruiters

Fee-based service for Recruiters.

Recruiters will have access to additional services, for example:

  • browse the candidate’s resume database
  • save preferences
  • be notified when candidates take a specific test

Skills Factor is now officially online!

Visit the new website platform:

Engineers and Designers will be able to self-assess their skills and get certified by taking many MCQ questionnaires.

Recruiters wil be able to obtain access to a certified workforce and easily find candidates to add value to their projects.

Join us!